Energy Matters blog
Summer Conditions

The CPUC and CEC request the ISO procure additional energy; early extreme heat events and other conditions prompt request

By ISO Staff |

Due to the extraordinary early heat events in California and across the West and several other factors, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) asked the California Independent System Operator (ISO) to use the Capacity Procurement Mechanism - under the ISO’s federally approved tariff - to purchase additional energy resources for the summer.

The ISO agrees that the reasons cited in a letter from the CPUC and CEC constitute a significant event creating a material change in the validity of the state’s earlier resource adequacy assumptions, and could threaten our ability to meet mandated reliability criteria.

As a result, the ISO will solicit bids for additional energy pursuant to a Market Notice that was issued today, July 1.

You can read a joint statement from the CPUC, the CEC and the ISO, as well as the letter requesting the additional procurement, here. The Notice about the ISO’s action can be found here.

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