Our strategy

2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The Plan will serve as the central organizing principle for the ISO and guide the priorities of our internal and external efforts over the coming years. The Plan will also support our work to deploy human and financial resources as efficiently as possible and ensure we are meeting the most pressing needs of our customers and stakeholders in California and throughout the region. And it will help us continue to retain and attract a highly skilled and engaged workforce through a flexible and individualized approach to remote work in a post-pandemic world.

Read the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

Critical strategic and tactical objectives

1: Reliably and efficiently integrate new resources by proactively upgrading operational capabilities
2: Strengthen resource adequacy and meet California’s SB100 goals through long-term transmission planning and effective coordination with state agencies
3: Build on the foundation of the Western Energy Imbalance Market to further expand Western market opportunities
4: Provide highly responsive and inclusive stakeholder engagement and customer service
5: Create a flexible and adaptive work environment that retains and attracts a highly skilled and engaged workforce
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