
Resource adequacy initiative

Resource Adequacy (RA) is a mandatory planning and procurement process to ensure adequate resources to serve all customers in real time. The program requires that Load Serving Entities (LSEs) meet a Planning Reserve Margin for their obligations. The program provides deliverability criteria that each LSE must meet, as well as system and local capacity requirements. Rules are provided for "counting" resources towards meeting resource adequacy obligations. The resources that are counted for RA purposes must make themselves available to the California ISO for the capacity for which they were counted. The ISO's Interim Reliability Requirements Program and the resource adequacy under MRTU tariff provisions are intended to complement the State of California's efforts to implement resource adequacy programs.

6 Documents

6 of 6 results
Title Type Posted
Resource Adequacy Import Allocation Draft Tariff Language 84.00 KB
03/31/2008, 3:08 PM
California ISO Tariff Filing for Import Allocation 867.06 KB
Filing 03/26/2007, 1:12 PM
070307 Decision on MRTU Resource Adequacy - Memo 39.86 KB
Memorandum 03/02/2007, 11:40 AM
070307 Decision on MRTU Resource Adequacy - Att. 1 - Proposal 56.17 KB
Decision 03/02/2007, 11:40 AM
Market Notice 86.75 KB
Market Notice 03/08/2006, 6:14 PM
Revised Draft of ISO Tariff Language - Section 40 118.04 KB
03/08/2006, 6:03 PM
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