Curtailed and non-operational generators

In accordance with California Public Utilities Code Section 352.5, the ISO provides this public daily report of all power plants located in the state that are not operational due to a planned or unplanned outage. At this time the ISO does not have information regarding the operational status of all plants located in the state; this list includes only the units for which the ISO has visibility.

Please be advised that system conditions are dynamic, and this information is subject to change without further notice. Decisions based on information contained in the reports are the sole responsibility of the user.

The California ISO publishes a snapshot of the curtailment and non-operational generation units in the following balancing authorities: CAISO, BANC, TIDC, LADWP and IID. The anticipated publishing time for this snapshot report is 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time. This report reflects the status of units at the time that the report is produced for the current trade date. This snapshot is based on the best information available to the ISO. System conditions are dynamic and can change rapidly. This report also takes into account outages on resources with obligations to participants outside of the ISO control area. These unit outages reflect only the participation of the units’ output contracted into the control areas cited for the balancing authorities referenced above.

Starting June 18, 2021, the California ISO also publishes a second report around 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time for the prior trade date, which reflects the curtailment and non-operational generation units for the CAISO balancing area. This report includes generation outages but not interties.

Curtailed and non-operational generators reports

Title Type Updated
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 25, 2024
Report 07/26/2024, 8:34 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 26, 2024
Report 07/26/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 25, 2024
Report 07/25/2024, 3:00 PM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 24, 2024
Report 07/25/2024, 8:35 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 23, 2024
Report 07/24/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 24, 2024
Report 07/24/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 22, 2024
Report 07/23/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 23, 2024
Report 07/23/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 21, 2024
Report 07/22/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 22, 2024
Report 07/22/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 20, 2024
Report 07/21/2024, 8:34 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 21, 2024
Report 07/21/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 19, 2024
Report 07/20/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 20, 2024
Report 07/20/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 18, 2024
Report 07/19/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 19, 2024
Report 07/19/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 17, 2024
Report 07/18/2024, 8:34 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 18, 2024
Report 07/18/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 16, 2024
Report 07/17/2024, 8:34 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 17, 2024
Report 07/17/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 15, 2024
Report 07/16/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 16, 2024
Report 07/16/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 14, 2024
Report 07/15/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 15, 2024
Report 07/15/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 14, 2024
Report 07/14/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 13, 2024
Report 07/14/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 12, 2024
Report 07/13/2024, 8:34 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 13, 2024
Report 07/13/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 11, 2024
Report 07/12/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 12, 2024
Report 07/12/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 10, 2024
Report 07/11/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 11, 2024
Report 07/11/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 09, 2024
Report 07/10/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 10, 2024
Report 07/10/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 08, 2024
Report 07/09/2024, 9:46 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 08, 2024
Report 07/09/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 09, 2024
Report 07/09/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 07, 2024
Report 07/08/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 06, 2024
Report 07/07/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 07, 2024
Report 07/07/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 05, 2024
Report 07/06/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 06, 2024
Report 07/06/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 04, 2024
Report 07/05/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 05, 2024
Report 07/05/2024, 8:30 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 03, 2024
Report 07/04/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 04, 2024
Report 07/04/2024, 8:31 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 03, 2024
Report 07/03/2024, 1:45 PM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 02, 2024
Report 07/03/2024, 8:33 AM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator AM Report Jul 02, 2024
Report 07/02/2024, 4:02 PM
Curtailed and Non-Operational Generator Prior Trade Date Report Jul 01, 2024
Report 07/02/2024, 8:33 AM
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