Computer-based training
For more self-paced training on specific applications and tools, please visit the Market Participant Portal (MPP) or the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) Portal. Digital certificate with applicable access required. Please contact your UAA for questions on access.
CBTs by topic
Scheduling coordinator
Penalty Enhancements - Demand Response, Investigation, and Tolling (PEDRIT)
Resource performance expectations of dispatch and operating instructions
Ongoing obligations of scheduling coordinators
Credit management
Scheduling coordinator certification process overview
Scheduling coordinators in the ISO
Requires Edge or Chrome
Where to find things on the ISO website
The Library section on the new CAISO website
The Systems and applications section on the new CAISO website
The Meetings and events section on the new CAISO website
Participate with the ISO section on the new CAISO website
The About section on the new CAISO website
The Legal and Regulatory section on the new CAISO website
Resource owners/operators desk reference guide
Interacting with the ISO
How to gain access to CAISO applications
Welcome to the ISO
Requires Edge or Chrome
Western Energy Markets
EDAM Participation Structure Overview
System outages foundational concepts
Get ready to participate in the WEIM
Settlements foundational concepts (WEIM)
The basics of the real-time market
Metering foundational concepts
Base schedules foundational concepts
Leading the WEIM transition
Requires Edge or Chrome
Settlements and metering
Settlements foundational concepts (WEIM)
Real-time settlements
Metering overview
RC Customer settlements
Energy settlements validation
Day-ahead settlements
Convergence bidding settlements
Post-market settlements
Commitment costs
Energy settlements validation practice
Settlements process
Requires Edge or Chrome
Congestion revenue rights
Markets and operations
Resource performance expectations of dispatch and operating instructions
Resource owners/operators desk reference guide
Resource adequacy
Outage Management System (OMS)
Day-ahead overview
Market pricing
Emergency response and abnormal operations
Storage resources
Real-time overview
Generator interconnection
Full network model
Demand response
Economic bids and self-schedules
Welcome to the ISO
Interchange and e-tagging
Master File process
Requires Edge or Chrome