
Upcoming training

External Market Simulation Training - FERC Order 881, Track 2 - Managing Transmission Line Ratings

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at 

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: 2499 649 4095

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

Related information  

WEIM Operator Training - 2 Days
California ISO, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA

The training is 1.5 days scheduled for 1/2 day on Tuesday - 1300-1700 and full day Wednesday - 0800-1700.

WEIM Operator Training – this class will provide an in-person, hands-on training for Operators who work with the Western Energy Imbalance Market and is intended to supplement the existing training and job aids found on the CAISO-WEIM website. This class will be taught by the Operations Training department together with Real-Time Market Operators and will provide an opportunity to interact and explore best operations and troubleshooting practices with a goal to improve understanding, efficiency, and accuracy of WEIM operation for all participants.

Click Here to Register

WEIM Operator Training - 2 Days
California ISO, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA

The training is 1.5 days scheduled for 1/2 day on Tuesday - 1300-1700 and full day Wednesday - 0800-1700.

WEIM Operator Training – this class will provide an in-person, hands-on training for Operators who work with the Western Energy Imbalance Market and is intended to supplement the existing training and job aids found on the CAISO-WEIM website. This class will be taught by the Operations Training department together with Real-Time Market Operators and will provide an opportunity to interact and explore best operations and troubleshooting practices with a goal to improve understanding, efficiency, and accuracy of WEIM operation for all participants.

Click Here to Register

Tentative: Pre-Market Simulation Training for Hybrid Resource Phase 2C - RIMS

For questions regarding this training, please reach out to 

NOTE: Do not add to personal calendar. Meeting date and details to be confirmed in a future notice. 

Web and audio participation information

Step 1: join web conference at 

Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number

Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: 2487 585 0478

Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202

Related information

Business Requirements Specification (BRS) - 

WEIM Operator Training - 2 Days
California ISO, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA

The training is 1.5 days scheduled for 1/2 day on Tuesday - 1300-1700 and full day Wednesday - 0800-1700.

WEIM Operator Training – this class will provide an in-person, hands-on training for Operators who work with the Western Energy Imbalance Market and is intended to supplement the existing training and job aids found on the CAISO-WEIM website. This class will be taught by the Operations Training department together with Real-Time Market Operators and will provide an opportunity to interact and explore best operations and troubleshooting practices with a goal to improve understanding, efficiency, and accuracy of WEIM operation for all participants.

Click Here to Register

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