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MarketsNew Initiative: Demand and Distributed Energy Market Integration Working Group call on 2/5/25
The California ISO has launched a new Demand and Distributed Energy Market Integration initiative, and will host a kick-off working group call on Feb. 5, 2025.
This working group will explore the development or enhancement of participation models and/or market rules for demand response and distributed energy resource participation, either independently or managed in aggregation, in ISO Markets. This initial working group session will outline the process and begin the stakeholder led scoping for future policy development efforts. Stakeholder feedback will be accepted in written comments following this call as it will shape the initial discussion paper for this effort.
The working group meeting presentation will be posted prior to the meeting on the Demand and Distributed Energy Market Integration webpage.
Please submit written comments based on the materials and discussion by end of day Feb. 21, 2025 through the ISO’s commenting tool using the link on the initiative webpage.
The call will be recorded and the video file posted on the initiative webpage for a limited time. The recording is for informational convenience purposes only, and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without the ISO’s permission.
Meeting information
Brenda Marquez,
Web and audio participation information
Step 1: join web conference at
Step 2: connect audio by selecting computer audio or selecting call me and enter your phone number
Audio only participation: call 1-844-621-3956, access code: 24866560172
Technical support: call Intellor at 1-301-250-7202
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Contact information
Please contact Brenda Marquez at or with any questions or if you are interested in presenting on a topic.