Become a participating generator

Generator participation

Generators must enter into a participating generator agreement (PGA) and meter service agreement (MSA) with the ISO. After a resource has completed the study phases of the interconnection process, the interconnection customer must sign contracts that are part of the New Resource Implementation bucket 2 process.

Documents required for participation

Establish the contractual agreements during the NRI process.

Please review the pro forma agreement types listed at this link:

Resource data submission

The Generator Resource Data Template and the Intertie Resource Data Template are used to submit requests to add or change specific operating parameters that reside in the Master File. For updates to existing data, scheduling coordinators must make any changes on the templates downloaded from the Master File user interface or application programming interface. Scheduling coordinators then submit updated templates using the user interface UPLOAD function or the programming interface SUBMIT services. Requests for new system resources should be sent to in the New Intertie Resource Request template. For templates and more information, visit the Master File (MFRD) page.

Regulatory must-take generation

Read the Regulatory Must-Take Value Submission Procedure

ISO market participants

The below lists contain our market participants, including scheduling coordinators, congestion revenue rights (CRR) holders, convergence bidding entities, generators and transmission owners.

Options for participating generators

The ISO provides opportunities for a range of resource types.

Multi-stage generation

Multi-stage generator modeling optimizes the commitment and dispatch of generating units that have multiple operating configurations.

Participating intermittent resources

This program allows wind and solar resources to schedule energy into the real-time energy market without incurring imbalance charges when the delivered energy deviates from the scheduled amount. For more information, refer to the Business Practice Manual for Market Operations.  Contact for assistance with contract type selection and execution.

PIRP resources must complete the Letter of Intent (LOI) to become a Participating Intermittent Resource, in addition to the standard Participating Generator certification agreements.

Use-limited resources

Resources that have operational or environmental restrictions that limit production hours but can operate for a minimum set of consecutive trading hours may be considered use-limited.

Distributed generation

Generation developers seeking interconnection to a local distribution system must arrange for interconnection with the local utility and with ISO if they wish to participate in the wholesale market.

Metering and telemetry

Qualified reporting entity
The role of the Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) is to submit meter data associated with renewable energy on behalf of ISO Metered Entities (ISO polled) using the WREGIS application. Generator Owner/Agent needs to complete, sign, and submit original hard copies of the Service Request Form and Service Agreement to begin the QRE process with the California ISO. For more information visit the Metering and Telemetry page.

Station power program
Station power — the energy used to operate auxiliary equipment and other load that is directly related to the production of energy — can be converted from retail service to wholesale service. For more information visit the Metering and Telemetry page.

Automated Dispatch System (ADS) and access

Generators and their scheduling coordinators use a variety of ISO applications to manage resource outages, dispatches, meter data and resource operating characteristics.

ISO Tariff and Business Practice Manuals

Please refer to Tariff Appendix B for all pro forma agreements.

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