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Notification of revised ISO Available Transfer Capability Implementation Document and Transmission Reliability Margin Implementation Document

The California ISO has posted a revised MOD-001-1a Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Implementation Document (ATCID) and a revised Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) Implementation Document (TRMID) on its website. The updates reflect the implementation of the Transmission Service and Market Scheduling Priorities initiative approved by FERC which introduces the calculation of priority wheel through ATC on the interties across a monthly and daily horizon, ahead of market operations, including TRM, that can be reserved in advance to establish wheeling though priority across the ISO system for June 2024 and beyond. 

These changes will be effective Jan. 17, 2024. 

The ATCID and TRMID are available on the Requirements and guidelines webpage, under the NERC compliance heading. 

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