Operating procedures

Operating procedures implement the policies and authorities contained in the California ISO Tariff and business practice manuals. We provide public access to current versions of the operating procedures, which do not contain information that is system security sensitive, market sensitive or third party proprietary.

Operating procedures are intended to guide ISO stakeholders regarding the implementation of rules and policies specified in the California ISO Tariff.

Terms of access

Actual ISO operations are based upon system conditions and prudent practice. System conditions may warrant deviation from written procedures. The shift manager will determine the need for such deviation. The ISO reserves the sole right to revise or edit these procedures in accordance with Operating Procedure 5510.

The following information is not available in this public posting of the ISO operating procedures due to security or confidentiality reasons: third party operating procedures and unit specific data is not being provided pending ISO and third party confidentiality review; names and phone numbers are excluded for privacy and security reasons; and emergency restoration procedures are not included due to security considerations.

Balancing authority area procedures

All publicly available procedures are posted here grouped by series. For a complete list of operating procedures, view the Operating Procedures Index List.

Draft and future effective operating procedures

1000-2000 series - balancing area operations

1200 - Day-ahead market

1500 - Interchange management

2200 - Real-time market

2300-2400 - procurement and commitment adjustments

3000 series - transmission operations

3200 - Outage coordination

3300 - System and voltage monitoring and control

4000 series - emergency operations

4400 - Electric and capacity emergencies

5000 series - communications and administration

5100 - Communications and reporting

5200 - SLIC logging and reports

5500 - Procedure maintenance

6000-7000 series procedures

6000 series - bulk/ TOP007 reportable paths

7000 series - regional operations

Reliability coordinator procedures

For a complete list of operating procedures, view the RC West Operating Procedures Index List.

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