Scheduling coordinator ongoing obligations

Scheduling coordinators (SC) must provide notification of material changes, as indicated in ISO Tariff sections 12 and 4.5.

Scheduling coordinator change requests should be submitted via CIDI for review and processing. Send any questions to Please provide no less than 11 business days prior to the effective change date.

Resource transfers

When a resource is transferring from one scheduling coordinator to another scheduling coordinator, the following documents are required.

Transfer of resources between SCIDs - same scheduling coordinator

If a resource is being transferred from one SCID to another SCID within the same company, the scheduling coordinator changing the SCID they wish to schedule a resource under within the same company must submit the Transfer of Resources Between SCIDs - Same Scheduling Coordinator - Letter Template.

Account changes

Request for additional IDs

Scheduling coordinators may request additional SCIDs to separate business or customer activities. EIM SCs may request additional Base Scheduling Coordinator ID (BSCID) for resource association.

Bank/Transfer and contact change

Other forms

Organization type change

To associate a scheduling coordinator ID (SCID) to another contract type, such as CRR or convergence bidding.

Default load aggregation points (LAP) selection

To associate a SCID to a specific default LAP. A Meter Service Agreement for SCs must be executed.

Minimum participation requirements officer certification form

This form is required from all market participants that have a direct financial relationship with the ISO. All market participants must submit a new form annually by April 30th.

Regulatory must-take generation

Combined heat and power resource owners use this form to receive regulatory must-take generation scheduling priority. Must be submitted by December 15 every year for a January 1 effective date or it will default back to 0. This may be updated throughout the year anytime changes occur.

Dynamic or pseudo-tie transfer scheduling points

Marginal losses certification

Marginal losses certification submissions should be sent to for review and processing. This process establishes eligibility to received marginal loss adjustments.

Related application(s) and access

Certificates to access applications are required when participating with the ISO. Request access to applications required to manage resource outages, dispatches, meter data and resource operating characteristics.

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